Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello World

Recently, I've found that I haven't exactly enjoyed facebook. I'm not impressed with the way it has seemed to ruin more lives than it has been able to enhance. Sure, sure, there's always the "I just want to see how my friends from.... are doing, it's perfectly harmless". But, in reality, relationships take a natural progression. For whatever reason, we make friends, have them for a certain time in our life until our paths change, and we move on. Hopefully, we leave each friendship or relationship with a more positive outlook in our life, but sometimes friendships leave us feeling more empty or down than we were to begin. Now, why on Earth would we want to rekindle a friendship that either thankfully ended on a good note, or unfortunately, bad. Most of the time, it has been my experience (my long and wise 25 years) that the past should be left where it belongs. In addition, Do I really need to hear what you had for lunch, how many times your child has used the bathroom, or whether this is the WORST DAY EVER? That being said, I am going to join the blogging world once again, but I am choosing to leave my facebook open because of all the pictures I do have on there. Darnit.

A few years back I was actually fairly consistent with my blogging and updating how my little family was doing, then things changed and I stopped. I didn't exactly want to document those sad times in my life. I still haven't decided whether this is a good thing or not, but it is what it is. I have now found that I would like to remember my life as it is now, whether anyone reads this or not. So, here we go again, without the negativity that accompanies facebook.

I am 25 and a single mother. I work in the banking industry. Nope, not a teller, although this is most commonly the question I am asked when I tell people I work for a bank. I love being 25. I love being a mother. I also love drinking Dr Pepper. This is my Sorcerer's Stone; my liquid gold; my sanity. I do not like pastries and especially Strawberries. The way to my heart is through Tulips, Taco Amigo, and Nordstroms. Unfortunately, Nordstroms seems to fall to the bottom of the list lately. I adore my honey and my children. I've learned a lot about myself these last two years.

Fenway is 5 years old. He is doing really well in preschool. I have yet to register him for Kindergarten. I don't exactly know what city he will be going to school in, or I just can't face the fact that I'm old enough to have a child in grade school. More on that to come. He has been a bit difficult lately, but we are working on it. Apparently, I'm a bit of a pushover and he has been made to believe he rules the house. Goals for this month: No new toys and no reactions to his tantrums. We seem to be making a bit of progress. He love his sister. For the most part, they get a long really well and love each other. He especially adores his DSD. V is very good with M. He can connect with him on a level that I can't. I am thankful that V is so patient and has been able to help me work with M more and more.

Peanut is 2.5 years old. Trust me. The .5 is very important. She turns 3 in a month and a half. When she isn't acting like a 2 year old, she is very sweet and loving. The girl knows how to work it though. V and I are going to be in trouble with her. She recently jumped off the bed at my parents house and broke her arm in two places. You'd think this would stop her from jumping off beds, but it has occurred to her that she can handle the pain, so why not try jumping off higher things. The girl has no fear. She loves anything girly and will sit very still for a good 20 minutes when having her hair done.

V is great. Currently working a crazy amount of hours. We miss him lots around here. He has recently converted to the Red Sox Nation. Nothing makes me prouder. Well ok, maybe there are a few more important things in this world, but right now it's Spring Training and just a measly 43 days til Opening Game. I'm getting butterflies. Oh yes, back to the matter of my honey. He is perfect for me. He smells good and always has an extra pair of soft sweats around for me to wear. What more could a woman want?

Life is hard, but good. I am happy to have it. I have a fantastic job that I appreciate very much. A great boyfriend who helps me be a better person and two darling children who drive me to drink much Dr Pepper.



  1. Welcome back! Im glad things are going well for you! your kids are very cute! and you can NEVER drink to much dr pepper or have too much Taco Amigo!:)
    Whitney (shore) Hemmert

  2. Kristy you are a beautiful person in and out! I admire your attitude and outlook on life. Your kids are adorable! Thanks for sharing your blog!!

  3. So glad you're back to the blogging world! I admire you so much!!!!
